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1314 Hooper Ave.
Second Floor Suite #9
New Jersey 08753
Laser Lipolysis (Removes Fat deposits)
Tummy, Love handles, Back fat, Thighs, Arms and Calves (per area)
Service Description
Discounted Pricing Plans available at checkout. Laser LipolysiDiscounted Pricing Plans available at checkout. Laser Lipolysis Appointments must be done two weeks apart. Laser Lipo is a non-invasive form of body sculpting. It removes fat deposits permanently by gently heating up fat cells until they die off in a process called apoptosis. It is much less painful with no down time. *Prior to your Laser Lipo treatment you should follow a low fat/carb diet 24-48 hours. Drink a minimum of 2 liters (about 4 16.9 FL OZ water bottles) of water the day before, as well as the day of your treatment. Continue drinking 2-3 liters of water (not soft drink, juice or tea) for no less than 3 days after your session. DO NOT EXCEED 4 LITERS PER DAY, with the exception of individuals on a strenuous workout regimen. You should NOT eat 2 hours before and 1 hour after treatment. If there is body hair in the treatment area, shaving the area is preferable as it allows the probe to glide smoothly over the skin surface. (DO NOT SHAVE IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO A SESSION AS THAT MAY CAUSE SENSITIVITY) Please Shave or wax at least 1 day prior to session. DO NOT DRINK ANY ALCOHOL OR CAFFEINE ON THE DAY OF TREATMENT OR 48 HOURS. Always speak with your healthcare provider about new treatments and exercise routines that may affect your health.Minor redness can occur and usually subside within 2-3 hours. Your body will begin to eliminate fat cells through the lymphatic system. *After your treatments, it is important to keep hydrated and to drink plenty of fluids. The treated areas must be massaged every night for two weeks post procedure. Avoid exercise and alcohol, especially red wine for at least 6 hours after your treatment. The greatest fat loss is usually seen twelve weeks after treatments. ( if you need caffeine, 1 cup is ok as long as you are well hydrated, but it is best to avoid alcohol so your liver can fully function to remove the fat)Dry skin brushing is recommended to stimulate lymph movement after your session. Dry skin brushing is a great method of lymphatic stimulation. A dry fibre bristle brush is lightly brushed all over the body. Always move or brush in the direction toward your heart. This is the direction in which lymph flows. Dry skin brushing also reduces cellulite, stimulates your immune system, wakes up circulation and makes your skin extremely soft. Do NOT have a hot shower (warm is ok) SERVICES ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE.
Cancellation Policy
PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL! To reschedule call our office at (609)489-2782 or email us at one full business day prior to your appointment. Cancellation Policy: POLICY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT At Jealousy Studios we ask that you give us 1 full business day notice for canceling or rescheduling an appointment. This policy enables us to schedule another guest and, in turn, maintains a higher availability for you as well as others. If you cancel your appointment and the applicable 1 full business day notice is not given, you will forfeit your booking fee. Late cancellations and missed appointments or “no shows” will not only forfeit their booking fee, but an additional $150 pre-payment of service will be required prior to rescheduling a new appointment. Please respect our time and our clients time. If you are running more than 15 minutes late, please, let us know and we will let you know if we can accommodate you. In the event we cannot, you will forfeit your deposit and a new deposit will be required to reschedule. CDC and OSHA guidelines will not allow observers in the procedure area during the procedure process. Absolutely NO children, including infants or Animals (Of any type “see CDC, OSHA & Health Department rules and regulations”) in the Studio.